Discharge letter templates
Paediatric patients
Name is a blank-year-old girl who presented to the Paediatric Emergency Department / Assessment Unit of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). The history and clinical examination were in keeping with xxx. [Mx] She was admitted for observation and supportive care. As she remains clinically stable, we are now discharging her.
Name is a blank-year-old boy who presented to the Paediatric Emergency Department / Assessment Unit of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). The history and clinical examination was in keeping with xxx. [Mx] He was admitted for observation and supportive care. As he remains clinically stable, we are now discharging him.
Disclaimers to add at end of discharge letters
Kindly note that this discharge summary has been prepared based on documentation by my colleagues; this doctor has not been personally involved in the management of this patient.
Kindly note that this discharge summary has been prepared by a colleague; this doctor has not been personally involved in the management of this patient.
Safety netting/info given to parents: www.what0-18.nhs.uk for more information
Please bring your child back to PAU in the next 48 hours or to your nearest Paediatric Emergency Department thereafter if you have concerns regarding your child’s recovery (for example, copy&paste).
Resp: if they are breathing very fast or have breathing that stops or pauses for more than 10 seconds, if they have very harsh breathing noises, if they get less alert and responsive, if they have high fevers (>38.5’C) that do not go down with paracetamol or ibuprofen
GI (D&V): if there is blood in the vomit or stools, if they are struggling with breathing, if they are less alert and responsive, if they have a rash that does not disappear on pressure (non-blanching), if they have high fevers (>38.5’C) that do not go down with paracetamol or ibuprofen
Febcon: if they have a fit that lasts longer than 5 minutes, have one fit after another without being awake in between, become injured during a fitting episode.
Please ensure that your child completes the course of antibiotics that has been given to them.
Information given to GP:
Dear colleague, kindly note the recent admission of this patient.
Surgical patients
Emergency admissions
Name is a blank-year-old lady who presented to the Emergency Department / Surgical Assessment Unit of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). On examination, … [Describe investigations and findings. Her blood tests showed –. Her urinalysis showed –.] As she is now clinically stable, we are now discharging her.
Name is a blank-year-old gentleman who presented to the Emergency Department / Surgical Assessment Unit of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). On examination, … [Describe investigations and findings. His blood tests showed –. His urinalysis showed –.] As he is now clinically stable, we are now discharging him.
Elective admissions for specific procedures
Name is a blank-year-old lady who underwent an elective [procedure] under general anaesthesia on DATE. There were no intra- or post-operative complications. As she is now clinically stable, we are now discharging her.
Name is a blank-year-old gentleman who underwent an elective [procedure] under general anaesthesia on DATE. There were no intra- or post-operative complications. As he is now clinically stable, we are now discharging him.
Information given to patients:
Please go to your nearest A&E should you become unwell after your operation (e.g. if you experience uncontrollable pain, if you develop a high fever, or if bleeding at your wound site does not stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes).
Please go to your nearest A&E should you become unwell after your discharge (e.g. if you experience uncontrollable pain, or if you develop a high fever).
Please do not drive for at least 2 weeks after your surgery, or until you are pain-free and able to perform an emergency stop without pain.
After your discharge please leave your dressings on for 48 hours and keep the area clean and dry. It is fine to shower starting around 48 hours after surgery but no baths, pools or hot tubs for at least 2 weeks.
Information given to GP:
Dear colleague, kindly note the recent admission of this patient.
Check operation note and select accordingly.
Post-op care in general
Please do not lift heavy weights (more than 5 kg) for 6 weeks after your operation.
For major abdominal procedures (including bariatric surgery, laparotomies, C-sections, etc)
Post-op care for wound closures
Your stitches are dissolvable and do not need to be removed.
For stitches such as Vicryl and Monocryl.
You will need to go to your GP or a treatment centre for your stitches/staples to be removed.
For stitches such as Prolene, Ethilon (aka nylon), and silk. Information from Geeky Medics.
Skin glue will fall away in 7 - 10 days. Do not pick or rub it off but allow it to come away naturally.
Steri strips will fall away in 7 - 10 days. Do not pick or rub it off but allow it to come away naturally.
Specific operations
Hernia repairs
Abdominal hernias: do not lift heavy weights for at least 10 weeks.
Bariatric surgery
UHB Trust has their own bariatric protocol, please follow their template for discharge letter.
Liquid diet and oral fluids until 14d post-op, then follow advice of dieticians.
Avoid heavy lifting for 6 weeks post-op.
Enoxaparin for 7d post-op, wear TED stockings for 10d post-op.
Diabetes: HbA1c test at 6w, 3mo, 6mo, 12mo as part of follow-up.
Continue CPAP if previously on.
T2DM medications: restart metformin only if blood glucose ≥10 mmol/L on two consecutive readings (and no other contraindications). Pts on VRIII or with fasting glucose >10 mmol/L post-op will require basal insulin + refer to inpatient diabetic CNS. Stop all other drugs, restart only advice of diabetic team.
T1DM: restart 50% of original dose of basal insulin. Suspend bolus insulin until liquid diet restarted. Refer to inpatient diabetes team before discharge.
Continue lansoprazole for 3mo (first 28d should be in orodispersible form).
Forceval 1tab OD for 28d, Adcal D3 1tab BDS for 28d – both in soluble/effervescent form.
Pain relief – paracetamol and codeine as needed.
Medical patients
Name is a blank-year-old lady who presented to the Emergency Department / Medical Assessment Unit / Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). [Describe investigations and findings.] [Describe management.] As she is now clinically stable, we are now discharging her.
Name is a blank-year-old gentleman who presented to the Emergency Department / Medical Assessment Unit / Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) of Heartlands Hospital on DATE with (symptoms). [Describe investigations and findings.] [Describe management.] As he is now clinically stable, we are now discharging him.